Archive for the ‘magazine’ category

Publications: Which Is Better – Online or Print?

September 15, 2008

Today, it seems as if publications are split between appearing online, and in print.  But which is better?  Should a company embrace both of these options?

Online-only publications seems to work best when there is a short amount of information to read and digest – only a few paragraphs and some links, at most.  Computers are breeding grounds for distractions and almost seem to encourage all of us to develop ADD-like behavior, so less is certainly more in this case.

However, If your company publishes a full-length magazine complete with ads and photos, as a consumer of information, I’d caution against having an online-only version of your publication.  It’s hard to digest text-heavy pieces when reading them on a computer – it strains your eyes, and I often find myself visiting about five other websites while I’m reading.  If it’s feasible and affordable for your company to have an online publication in addition to a print version, then that’s awesome – this will maximize the number of places where readers can access information.  Having the publication both online and in print also works out well when you want to access past issues of a magazine – going through online archives is much easier than sifting through hard copies.

I personally find that full-length magazines with longer articles and a good number of pages are much more enjoyable in print version.  I like flipping through a magazine while sitting on the couch, at work, or on a trip.  One thing I especially like is when companies offer an online supplement to their print publications.  For example, my Martha Stewart Weddings magazine (don’t laugh at me) directs readers to go online for more pictures and ideas for flowers, cakes, favors, etc.  This doesn’t take the place of the print version, but rather, enhances it, and offers readers more info should they want it.  This actually makes me want to go online and see what they’re talking about (and, I actually do just that).

Corporate Word of the Week:

Siloed (adj.) – A fake word that people use to refer to data that isn’t stored in one place, but rather, in many locations.  Note that the word “silo” really can’t be used as anything other than a noun.

ex. – The company’s information was siloed, making it difficult to access.